Monday, December 21, 2009

i finally graduate frm jshs

haha.. it's a long long time i didn't blogging here..
mmm.. lazy and lazy.. don't know what to write.. haha..

this holiday is my longest holiday since my study life begins..
miss my form6 life so much ==
soon im going to work already.. haiz..
jshs.. i studied for 7 years at here..
there are some items accompanied me during this 7 years.. haha..

form6 school uniform ^^ (08-09)

school logo (03-09)

school belt.. shit belt == (03-09)

stockings (08-09)

white shoes == see how ragged is that (07-09)

temporary name tag.. i lose my current name tag already == (08-09)

student card.. how tambai when i was form1.. == (03-09)

my wallet, watch and car key (08-09)

some more haven't upload yet.. haha.. yes! next time only continue.. ==

Monday, November 2, 2009

R.I.P Ngong Ngong

just wanna post a video..
about my family's dearest ngong2 who was passed away 5 months ago..

ah ngong ar..

we miss you so much..
how are you there?? and your little black son too..
do you miss us or not??

i found that your son bobby always bark at the same place at night..
is that you?? thanks for taking care of it..
although bobby has some bad behavior.. haha..

ah ngong ar..

your children little ngong2, teddy and tity are very very fine here..
and 3 of them are pink in health..

i gave tity to my friend at bm since it started to walk and eat..
it is quite active and lovely and faithful to her new host..
so don't worry about tity..

another 2 are little ngong2 and teddy..
they both are so naughty and always tear papers and cloths.. zzz..
anyhow both of them are also very very cute and active and faithful..
they know their name..
they know to bark when they see strangers..
same like you..
you see?? how lovely they are..
luckily mom doesn't give them away..
so now both of them represent you to bring happiness to us..

ah ngong ar..

when you were here..
you quarrel with pong2 and bite each other..
now you're gone..
tang2 and doggy start to be like foe..
they bite until some of their body parts injured and blooding..
but after punishment from me and ys..
haha they seem ashamed and learn to live peacefully again..

recently.. it's raining season..
there is thunder and light at night..
pong2 with a little gutless and timid feels frightened and scared..
barks and barks and barks through day and night..
walao.. so noisy and annoying..
but i feel pong2 so pity and with no one could company her..
haiz.. and mom doesn't allow pong2 in as pong2 would dirty the house..
even now pong2 is still making noise and biting the cage..
nearly rosak liao..

ah ngong ar..

please po pi po pi your doggy family..
don't let anything comes to disturb them..
thanks a lot ya..
we love you always......

Thursday, October 22, 2009


something is coming..
something is leaving..
something is good for me..
something is bad for me..
something is testing me..
something is making me stress..
something is forcing me on making choices..
something is confusing me..
something is bothering me..
something is annoying me..
something is disappointing me..
something is sadness..
something is depressing..
something is kicking me down..
something is hopeless..
something is making me mad..
something is something that i couldn't understand at all..
something is breaking the relationship between each other..
something is unforgiven..
something is forgiven..
something is tolerably..
something is generous..
something is acceptable..
something is nothing..
something is what??
something is SOMETHING!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

LALA Meet the Fans at Sunway Karnival Mall

haha it's long long time ago for my latest blog..
here i come again..

18102009 (sunday), Lala met the fans at sunway carnival mall..
i sure didn't miss the chance to meet her.. ahaha..
so i asked along my good friends hs n ct to go together with me.. to meet Lala..
btw send ct to jetty to back to his hostel at penang..

before that we had our mcdonalds lunch where the mcd is located beside sunway carnival mall..
and we got 3 different color of glasses by purchasing 3 large meals with sundae added-on..

we reached Lala there at around 3pm..
the car park and road were fulled with vehicles and i couldn't find a place to park my car..
the concourse of sunway carnival mall was crowed by people..
as people say, 'people mountain people sea'.. haha..
wow wow.. Lala is sooooooo beautiful and pretty.. ><"

Lala came into contact with the fans by some interesting activities..

Lala's sound is sooooooo sweet and peaceful.. enjoying..

this is the poster being captured at somewhere in the sunway carnival mall.. XD

just feel a bit regretted that i do not buy Lala's album as i couldn't get her signature at that moment.. never mind it's ok..

that's all for today..

Monday, October 5, 2009

Funny Videos

oh yea..
today i would like to share some interesting and funny videos with you all..
mmm.. in my opinion...
errr let's enjoy it..

This video tells about today's teenagers feeling during CNY..

Do you ever translate a song by using your own words??

Can you pronounce 'coke' the right way??

mmm.. my purpose is to entertain so that these videos can minimize the stress..
well.. go back and study after laugh!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

stpm - a month and 2 weeks to go

well my last exam in JSHS finished on 17th sept 2009..
and i know that i will get a worst worst result for this trial exam..
yea it's pretty bad..
thoroughly bad..
haha.. i knew it..
somehow i was sad..
maybe my friends passed their exam with flying color..
and i am the one who still lag behind..
why why why??
oh yea i did not try my best during exams..
and i did making mistakes for a lot of questions..
my average result is low.. around 50+-%..
still ok..
but i still can't accept my maths result so bad like this!!
40% for maths paper1 and 80% for paper2..
why i was so careless and couldn't take it seriously??
just let it be..
now i need to practice more and more..
avoid mistake..
people said, "practice makes perfect!!"
oh yes i must force myself to be more hardworking..
stpm.. is waiting for me.. haha..
stpm.. i am coming to you!! yea...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

i had a bad day yesterday

i had an extraordinary, unusual, extremely, highly and very bad day yesterday.. nothing to talk about it.. yesterday was not my day.. haiz.. bad luck.. bad luck.. really bad luck.. bla bla bla.. !@#$%^&*()_+~:"<>?{}|`-=\][;'/., wtf so moody.. haiz.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggg.. TT.. haiz.. don't ask me why.. end..

Monday, September 14, 2009

bad feeling

some of my friends in the school got bad moods today..
all looked so dispirited and depressed..
maybe couldn't get a better result and feel upset?
maybe had a little quarrel with their friends and feel angry??
maybe have a lot of pressure on school exercises???
maybe maybe and maybe..
i don't know as well..

but something is quite bothering me..
did i do anything wrong again to make people be tired of me??
and not willing to talk to me??
got a pretty bad mood now..
and my mind tells me don't do anything just keep relaxing..
but what can i do at the end?
nothing actually..

well.. nothing to say and gonna stop here..
gotta watch movie to relax..
ya.. i m just talking nonsense..
to reduce my stress at here.. lalala~~~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

2 weeks report

today is sunday, the time is 1405 in the afternoon.. good weather.. it's already a long time for not blogging here.. haha.. lazy what.. so now i m going to 'report' what did i do during this 2 weeks..

the exam started on 4th sept 09 (fri) and ended on 10th sept 09 (thurs).. and i did prepare for the exam.. but i m still the one who needs to burn the midnight oil before exam so that i can remember all what i'd studied before.. unfortunately i fall sick on tues night.. and the next 2 papers (econ1 and acc1) are 2 of the worst subjects.. haiz actually all subjects also not good enough.. i feel sick and sleepy after having a tablet.. i planned to study after that but i slept for whole night.. i didn't study for all this 2 subject! i'd waken at 630 in the morning.. oh my gosh i really don't know what to do.. aiz.. as a result.. i just can use a word to describe my exam - 'shit'.. the papers was easy but i couldn't answer it properly.. haiz.. beside, that LCK is really disgusted and made me lost my mood to answer the paper.. just because we didn't enter the hall 10 minutes before the exam started.. and we're stopped outside the hall and after 5 minutes the exam started only we can enter the hall.. @#$!%^*&)(+_~<>?{}|,./;'[]`.. and i couldn't complete my math1 as i lack of time.. haiz this is the last time i sit for exam in the school and i still couldn't do it well.. hahaiz.. just let it be.. anyhow it's over and i only have 2 months left to prepare for my stpm.. go go go and all the best to me..

yea the exam things ended here.. my gang and me went k box after the exam on thurs afternoon.. i thought it was a great time for me to relax and reduce my stress but i feel tired and tired all day as i drove about 45 minutes to go to school in the morning, sit for exam about 6 hours, traffic jam about 30 minutes on the road, 45 minutes to go home, 20 minutes to bath eat and wash my clothes, then another 1 hour to fetch all my gang to sunway carnival, sing for 4 hours and 30 minutes in the k box, 1 hour to fetch my gang home.. then i reach home at about 11 o'clock at night.. owh.. i fall asleep immediately and my bro couldn't wake me up to go new house.. haha.. i still needed to go to school on the next day..

fri morning.. i couldn't wake up as usual because of tiredness.. 630 only i woke and i still feel extremely tired.. i hoped absent to school but it's already late for me to tell other.. haiz.. so i slept for 2 periods in the school and slept for whole afternoon after going home.. haha..

sat night.. mom asked for watching movie entitled 'where got ghost' at pacific at 930pm.. it is a great funny movie and even very touch at the end.. do u ever jam for 30 minutes in the car park?? haha i did.. we reach home at about 1230am.. wow..

to somebody.. i didn't do anything that offend u.. so please control your emotion and don't easily angry on me.. i really feel u changed already.. i m not wrong and u too.. if i really wrong then u can tell me.. just don't make me blur blur and still not telling me anything.. i don't like to say sorry as well so i have my rules to prevent i do sorry thing on other people.. although u are not going to tell me.. anyway i apologize to u if i really get anything wrong and make u angry.. SORRY!

my computer is going to it's end.. it sicks for many time already since the beginning of this year.. haiz.. mom and dad are very angry to pay for the repairing cost.. and just scold me that i switch on the computer and play game for whole day.. i don't play game ok? not me.. TT

since i study form6, my dad bought a second handed car (proton wira) for me to drive to school everyday.. well, i really don't wish to have my own car.. but i was still so happy and thank him so much.. day after day, any problems on the car and my dad need to send it for repairing.. it sure costs highly.. then he just know to scold me for not taking care the car well.. but he is not scolding in front of me but my mom.. then mom will scold me.. i don't wish to have a car at first.. now also, indeed.. dad has this responsibility to solve all problem for his children.. if he is not willing then better don't do this all good things to me.. i seldom ask for pocket money from dad.. but sometime i need to spend extra then i take from him.. just between rm20 till rm50.. he didn't scold me as i tell him what i want to spend the money on.. but he complained to mom then mom scolded me again.. sometime i don't have enough money to refill petrol then i use the credit card he gave to 2sis to refill petrol.. then he scolded 2sis that always use the credit card out of control.. then 2sis sure told him that i used it.. then the result is same as above.. sometime when he drunk, he likes to talk to us.. he told me i m the one who he doesn't worry about.. because i know to take care of myself, know to study and help mom do a lot of households.. i don't feel so happy as he doesn't have a clear mind and just spoke it out.. but actually i know he still fresh in mind and just act drunk in front of us.. yesterday 2sis told me something that make me really sad and disappointed.. dad really doesn't really care of me and very angry that he spend a lot of money on me.. every times got problems just know to find him.. i really don't know what to do.. really sad..

i think i m the one who really always make other angry and not believe in me.. my family and even my closed friend..

haiz.. i thought today's blog will have a happy ending but i fail to do so.. that's all and i would like to end here.. now is 1615 in the afternoon..

*i wish to learn locking and popping if i have this opportunity..

Monday, August 31, 2009

My Meaningless Holiday..

time passed by..
my holiday is going to the end..
what did i do during this few days??

really bad..
the weather and my mood..
it's rained cats and dogs everyday..
then what can i do?
yea.. slept for whole day..
no study, no sport..
so bored..
i never thought that the time passes so fast..
but when i realized that..
it's too late for me..
today is the last day of holiday..
and i haven't prepare to study and do any revision yet..
just because im not getting ready and lazy..
yea.. im still blogging but not studying..
gai liao gai liao..
i did trying to study econ and maths..
a bit.. just a little bit..
then i couldn't concentrate anymore..
gave up..
it's better to watch PPS..
yea.. i enjoyed PPS all the time..
but most of the time i played with my dogs..
pity teddy fall down and broke its leg while bathing 2 days ago..
so helpless and painful little teddy..
yesterday.. doggy and tang2 suddenly attacked and bite each other..
with no reason..
they stopped only when my bro tried to let them apart by using water..
it then made my mom mad and started to scold us..
my mood became down and down..
no people would like to see that kind of thing happens okay?

someone very sad and always think negatively..
what i want to say is..
you are not the kind that you think..
you will lost your mind if you keep thinking this way..
it's foolish..
please cheer up and don't easily give up..

and last but not least..
happy national day!!
happy birthday my 'beloved country' Malaysia!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

holiday is just 1hour and 4minutes to go

wahaha.. holiday is coming..but.. exam is coming too as well.. zzz.. haiz.. i can't fully enjoy my holiday.. sien.. grr.. i don't have mood to study at all.. how how how??? as a jit sin student, i must be more hardworking and fight for my result so that the school won't feel shame.. wahaha.. exam exam.. always exam..

today.. my gang and i had a bread picnic in the class.. owh how daring we were.. wakaka.. good experience too..

i think some one must really control his/ her emotion.. haiz.. sometimes i really can't endure about that.. but sorry.. i m slow anyway.. and i prefer study to do homework.. XD.. but now really no time for me to find excuses already.. mmm i must concentrate on study now.. all the best ya~

that's all.. haha!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Touching the Void

I'd watched a film named 'Touching the Void'. 168 hours of climbing uphill, descending and looking for way out. It's fully adventurous.

In 1985, 2 young British men, Joe Simpson and Simon Yates, traveled to a remote corner of Peru. Ambitious mountaineers, their aim was to conquer the unclimbed west face of a notorious 21000ft peak- 'Siula Grande'. By the time they went to Peru, Joe was 25 and Simon was 21. They had done a lot of climbing in the Alps. To climb mountains that have not been climbed before, or a new route up a mountain, is what their climbing life had been moving towards. It was the last big mountain face in the range of mountains that hadn't been climbed. There's a great unknown there and what's so compelling is stepping into that unknown...

The mountains all around seemed very big compared to the mountains in the Alps. They used 3 days to get onto the north ridge and off the west face successfully. '80% of accident happen on descent'. They were almost dehydrated under -80 degree Celsius. When they made their way down from the hill, Joe fall down suddenly and the impact drove his lower leg straight through his knee joint. He'd broke his leg! Simon abandoned Joe by cutting the rope on him under the worst situation to survive. It then made Joe drop into a large crevasse. But it didn't kill Joe as he fall on a slanting snow ground. However he did break his leg and couldn't move as well. Will Joe die under the cliff? No one knows about it. It was completely helpless and hopeless..

Simon reached and met their friend who was helping to look after their equipment in the campsite at the 5th day. Joe was still trapped and he crawled all the time to find the way out. There's a lot of obstacles in front of Joe and sometimes brought desperation to him. But Joe never gave up and tried and tried his best to survive. Times passed by, Simon found Joe at the 7th day.

Joe lost a third of his body weight during his ordeal. 2 years and 6 operations later Joe climbed again. He continues to climb today. Simon returned to England to face intense criticism from many in the climbing community for cutting the rope on his partner. Joe has always staunchly defended him. No one has ever successfully repeated Joe and Simon's climb to the summit of Siula Grande. Their story has become part of mountaineering legend.

This story is touching and worrying me. I can feel Joe's bravery on facing troubles. No one can be so persistent and courageous while facing such situation like that. This story has made me realize that human are absolutely small and have no idea with the environment. Joe, I'm proud of you!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

i had a rm1 dinner today.. zzz

17:15 i went to jusco with my friends.. 17:30 we were queuing up in front of Boston 又一城.. yea it's queuing, not typing error.. we were there for a promotion set meal which cost RM1 for each only!!!! unbelievable isn't it?? no lie.. 18:10 we were asked to sit and wait for order.. well, we had good mood before the waiter came to us.. 18:15 fxxk that waiter (didn't know whether he is a malay or a foreign worker) because his attitude was pretty bad and looked very impatient on us and even had a bubble gum inside his mouth when getting order.. no manner.. how come he still can be a waiter with all of this bad habits?? haiz.. but other chinese waiters are big different from him.. 18:35 eat.. 19:00 pay and leave..

actually a person just can order for 1 set of meal only.. and each set of meal must have a drink added-on.. so, we needed to pay more for it.. a slogan for them, 'no cheat no gain'.. we were cheated to pay for drink.. zzz.. the food was still ok but quantity was less.. for big appetite people like me.. XD mmm.. it's a good experience.. RM1 for 1 set of grilled chicken steak and sure got other choises.. really worth for it.. haha..

accounting is so confusing.. for me.. grr.. getting almost crazy.. zzz how how how?? exam is coming soon already.. twenty some days to count from now.. lazy is controlling me all the times.. ahaha.. but actually i feel myself are enough hardworking for this period compare to the pass.. haha.. so i always easily to get tired.. I NEED MORE REST.. EVEN JUST GIVE ME 10 MINUTES!! AHAHA~~ not enough.. time.. rest.. food.. $$ and entertain.. ahaha i m so greedy.. this is what human's passion are.. XD add oil add oil la..

Friday, August 7, 2009

an ordinary day..

today.. the weather is pretty good but bad too.. XD.. y did i say so? it's because the weather was pleasantly cool b4 it started 2 rain.. i feel com4table n spirited thought it's cold outside.. but sometime a bit sleepy too.. haha..

good news.. little ngong2 can walk as usual already.. haha.. 2sis brought it 2 c the vet at butterworth in this morning.. he told that the reason y little ngong2 can't walk is because of it's bone structure.. not caused by the incident on tuesday.. it's bones r not so strong enough 2 support it's body weight as well.. no treatment on it.. but this condition will turn better once little ngong2 grows up.. therefore no need 2 worry on it.. be patient n cheerful ya..

haiz.. trial exam is coming soon within a month.. i really have no confident 2 do well in this coming exam.. but i still need 2 study hard so that i can pass with better result.. ahaha.. make a push on it.. yeah~~ ^^ haiz don't know whether can o not.. worrying.. zzz

*the weather on tues n wed were nt good at all.. tues too hot n the air mixed with dirty mist.. wed rain cats n dog n caused my shoes wet..
*wed my gang n me go badminton after school.. it's a good experience..

all the best 2 my dear friends n classmates.. may god bless..

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

my story begins..

mmm... this is my first time to write blog.. zzz.. never did before.. ahaha.. errrr.. today is 4th of august year 2009.. well.. my story begins here..

i feel sad actually because today my little ngong2's legs being hit by a pail fulled with water.. it's caused by that careless maid.. didn't look carefully when putting down the pail.. haiz.. quite pity little ngong2 scream for whole day.. ngong2 can't walk properly and looks pain when it tried to stand.. it lies beside me till now as it feels scared.. really worry about ngong2.. haiz.. how?i couldn't help anything and just can accompany ngong2 all the time.. ngong2 pee on it's body for 3 times just because it can't stand.. it can't even sit well.. TT.. pity ngong2.. may god bless..

exam finished 2 weeks before.. i prepared well for those exam.. but don't know why i still got a bad bad result.. PA 50%, Maths 76%, Econ 70% and Acc 61%.. haiz.. quite disappointed on myself.. gotta work hard for trial exam and STPM.. ahaha.. all the best to me la.. haiz.. zzz

mmm.. my first blog end here.. haha..