Friday, August 7, 2009

an ordinary day..

today.. the weather is pretty good but bad too.. XD.. y did i say so? it's because the weather was pleasantly cool b4 it started 2 rain.. i feel com4table n spirited thought it's cold outside.. but sometime a bit sleepy too.. haha..

good news.. little ngong2 can walk as usual already.. haha.. 2sis brought it 2 c the vet at butterworth in this morning.. he told that the reason y little ngong2 can't walk is because of it's bone structure.. not caused by the incident on tuesday.. it's bones r not so strong enough 2 support it's body weight as well.. no treatment on it.. but this condition will turn better once little ngong2 grows up.. therefore no need 2 worry on it.. be patient n cheerful ya..

haiz.. trial exam is coming soon within a month.. i really have no confident 2 do well in this coming exam.. but i still need 2 study hard so that i can pass with better result.. ahaha.. make a push on it.. yeah~~ ^^ haiz don't know whether can o not.. worrying.. zzz

*the weather on tues n wed were nt good at all.. tues too hot n the air mixed with dirty mist.. wed rain cats n dog n caused my shoes wet..
*wed my gang n me go badminton after school.. it's a good experience..

all the best 2 my dear friends n classmates.. may god bless..


  1. congrates 2 ur little ngong2..n add oil for coming exam..

  2. yaya...gambateh neh...haha~~~
    u can make it if u believe!!
