Tuesday, October 20, 2009

LALA Meet the Fans at Sunway Karnival Mall

haha it's long long time ago for my latest blog..
here i come again..

18102009 (sunday), Lala met the fans at sunway carnival mall..
i sure didn't miss the chance to meet her.. ahaha..
so i asked along my good friends hs n ct to go together with me.. to meet Lala..
btw send ct to jetty to back to his hostel at penang..

before that we had our mcdonalds lunch where the mcd is located beside sunway carnival mall..
and we got 3 different color of glasses by purchasing 3 large meals with sundae added-on..

we reached Lala there at around 3pm..
the car park and road were fulled with vehicles and i couldn't find a place to park my car..
the concourse of sunway carnival mall was crowed by people..
as people say, 'people mountain people sea'.. haha..
wow wow.. Lala is sooooooo beautiful and pretty.. ><"

Lala came into contact with the fans by some interesting activities..

Lala's sound is sooooooo sweet and peaceful.. enjoying..

this is the poster being captured at somewhere in the sunway carnival mall.. XD

just feel a bit regretted that i do not buy Lala's album as i couldn't get her signature at that moment.. never mind it's ok..

that's all for today..

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