Tuesday, September 29, 2009

stpm - a month and 2 weeks to go

well my last exam in JSHS finished on 17th sept 2009..
and i know that i will get a worst worst result for this trial exam..
yea it's pretty bad..
thoroughly bad..
haha.. i knew it..
somehow i was sad..
maybe my friends passed their exam with flying color..
and i am the one who still lag behind..
why why why??
oh yea i did not try my best during exams..
and i did making mistakes for a lot of questions..
my average result is low.. around 50+-%..
still ok..
but i still can't accept my maths result so bad like this!!
40% for maths paper1 and 80% for paper2..
why i was so careless and couldn't take it seriously??
just let it be..
now i need to practice more and more..
avoid mistake..
people said, "practice makes perfect!!"
oh yes i must force myself to be more hardworking..
stpm.. is waiting for me.. haha..
stpm.. i am coming to you!! yea...

Thursday, September 17, 2009

i had a bad day yesterday

i had an extraordinary, unusual, extremely, highly and very bad day yesterday.. nothing to talk about it.. yesterday was not my day.. haiz.. bad luck.. bad luck.. really bad luck.. bla bla bla.. !@#$%^&*()_+~:"<>?{}|`-=\][;'/., wtf so moody.. haiz.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggggggggg.. TT.. haiz.. don't ask me why.. end..

Monday, September 14, 2009

bad feeling

some of my friends in the school got bad moods today..
all looked so dispirited and depressed..
maybe couldn't get a better result and feel upset?
maybe had a little quarrel with their friends and feel angry??
maybe have a lot of pressure on school exercises???
maybe maybe and maybe..
i don't know as well..

but something is quite bothering me..
did i do anything wrong again to make people be tired of me??
and not willing to talk to me??
got a pretty bad mood now..
and my mind tells me don't do anything just keep relaxing..
but what can i do at the end?
nothing actually..

well.. nothing to say and gonna stop here..
gotta watch movie to relax..
ya.. i m just talking nonsense..
to reduce my stress at here.. lalala~~~

Sunday, September 13, 2009

2 weeks report

today is sunday, the time is 1405 in the afternoon.. good weather.. it's already a long time for not blogging here.. haha.. lazy what.. so now i m going to 'report' what did i do during this 2 weeks..

the exam started on 4th sept 09 (fri) and ended on 10th sept 09 (thurs).. and i did prepare for the exam.. but i m still the one who needs to burn the midnight oil before exam so that i can remember all what i'd studied before.. unfortunately i fall sick on tues night.. and the next 2 papers (econ1 and acc1) are 2 of the worst subjects.. haiz actually all subjects also not good enough.. i feel sick and sleepy after having a tablet.. i planned to study after that but i slept for whole night.. i didn't study for all this 2 subject! i'd waken at 630 in the morning.. oh my gosh i really don't know what to do.. aiz.. as a result.. i just can use a word to describe my exam - 'shit'.. the papers was easy but i couldn't answer it properly.. haiz.. beside, that LCK is really disgusted and made me lost my mood to answer the paper.. just because we didn't enter the hall 10 minutes before the exam started.. and we're stopped outside the hall and after 5 minutes the exam started only we can enter the hall.. @#$!%^*&)(+_~<>?{}|,./;'[]`.. and i couldn't complete my math1 as i lack of time.. haiz this is the last time i sit for exam in the school and i still couldn't do it well.. hahaiz.. just let it be.. anyhow it's over and i only have 2 months left to prepare for my stpm.. go go go and all the best to me..

yea the exam things ended here.. my gang and me went k box after the exam on thurs afternoon.. i thought it was a great time for me to relax and reduce my stress but i feel tired and tired all day as i drove about 45 minutes to go to school in the morning, sit for exam about 6 hours, traffic jam about 30 minutes on the road, 45 minutes to go home, 20 minutes to bath eat and wash my clothes, then another 1 hour to fetch all my gang to sunway carnival, sing for 4 hours and 30 minutes in the k box, 1 hour to fetch my gang home.. then i reach home at about 11 o'clock at night.. owh.. i fall asleep immediately and my bro couldn't wake me up to go new house.. haha.. i still needed to go to school on the next day..

fri morning.. i couldn't wake up as usual because of tiredness.. 630 only i woke and i still feel extremely tired.. i hoped absent to school but it's already late for me to tell other.. haiz.. so i slept for 2 periods in the school and slept for whole afternoon after going home.. haha..

sat night.. mom asked for watching movie entitled 'where got ghost' at pacific at 930pm.. it is a great funny movie and even very touch at the end.. do u ever jam for 30 minutes in the car park?? haha i did.. we reach home at about 1230am.. wow..

to somebody.. i didn't do anything that offend u.. so please control your emotion and don't easily angry on me.. i really feel u changed already.. i m not wrong and u too.. if i really wrong then u can tell me.. just don't make me blur blur and still not telling me anything.. i don't like to say sorry as well so i have my rules to prevent i do sorry thing on other people.. although u are not going to tell me.. anyway i apologize to u if i really get anything wrong and make u angry.. SORRY!

my computer is going to it's end.. it sicks for many time already since the beginning of this year.. haiz.. mom and dad are very angry to pay for the repairing cost.. and just scold me that i switch on the computer and play game for whole day.. i don't play game ok? not me.. TT

since i study form6, my dad bought a second handed car (proton wira) for me to drive to school everyday.. well, i really don't wish to have my own car.. but i was still so happy and thank him so much.. day after day, any problems on the car and my dad need to send it for repairing.. it sure costs highly.. then he just know to scold me for not taking care the car well.. but he is not scolding in front of me but my mom.. then mom will scold me.. i don't wish to have a car at first.. now also, indeed.. dad has this responsibility to solve all problem for his children.. if he is not willing then better don't do this all good things to me.. i seldom ask for pocket money from dad.. but sometime i need to spend extra then i take from him.. just between rm20 till rm50.. he didn't scold me as i tell him what i want to spend the money on.. but he complained to mom then mom scolded me again.. sometime i don't have enough money to refill petrol then i use the credit card he gave to 2sis to refill petrol.. then he scolded 2sis that always use the credit card out of control.. then 2sis sure told him that i used it.. then the result is same as above.. sometime when he drunk, he likes to talk to us.. he told me i m the one who he doesn't worry about.. because i know to take care of myself, know to study and help mom do a lot of households.. i don't feel so happy as he doesn't have a clear mind and just spoke it out.. but actually i know he still fresh in mind and just act drunk in front of us.. yesterday 2sis told me something that make me really sad and disappointed.. dad really doesn't really care of me and very angry that he spend a lot of money on me.. every times got problems just know to find him.. i really don't know what to do.. really sad..

i think i m the one who really always make other angry and not believe in me.. my family and even my closed friend..

haiz.. i thought today's blog will have a happy ending but i fail to do so.. that's all and i would like to end here.. now is 1615 in the afternoon..

*i wish to learn locking and popping if i have this opportunity..